During the season of Lent, we will share weekly Scripture readings, prayers and rituals for all ages to observe Lent At Home, as well as special rituals for Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. You can follow the series on the blog and/or download the full Lent At Home worship guide and calendar here.
This ritual is designed to take you through the story of Jesus’ death. If you have young children, you may want to use the modified ritual. Note that, taken out of the context of the whole Bible, the gospel of John’s telling of the night Jesus died can sound like an indictment of the Jews. Take care to remember as you read it that Jesus and all of his disciples were Jewish, and the intention of this Scripture is not to blame the Jewish people for the death of Jesus. Concentrate instead on the actions, both helpful and hurtful, of the people who were close to him.
Begin by gathering around your Lenten centerpiece and lighting all seven candles.
Read John 18:1-11.
Extinguish one candle.
Read John 18:12-18.
Extinguish the second candle.
Read John 18:19-27.
Extinguish the third candle.
Read John 18:28-19:16a.
Extinguish the fourth candle.
Read John 19:16b-25a.
Extinguish the fifth candle.
Read John 19:25b-30.
Extinguish the sixth candle.
Read John 19:31-42.
Extinguish the final candle.
This is an account of the death of Jesus, the Messiah, the son of God.
Modification for young children
Begin by gathering around your Lenten centerpiece and lighting all seven candles.
Read pg 267 in the “Shine On: A Story Bible” or an account of the arrest of Jesus through Peter’s betrayal from another story Bible.
Extinguish four candles.
Read pg 269 in the “Shine On: A Story Bible,” or an account of Jesus’ death from another story Bible.
Extinguish the remaining three candles.
When Jesus died, the whole earth was broken and sad.

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