God of Grace and God of Glory
(Voices Together hymnal #716, verse 3)
“Cure thy children’s warring madness; bend our pride to thy control;
Shame our wanton, selfish gladness, rich in things and poor in soul.”
A Litany for Ukraine
by Iris de León-Hartshorn, associate executive director, Mennonite Church USA
All: Our hearts and prayers go out to the people of Ukraine,
One: As they seek refuge from the terrible effects of war.
All: May they find shelter in God’s arm,
One: As they try to calm their fears.
All: May they find comfort in God’s arm,
One: As they worry about where to find food and shelter.
All: May they find comfort in God’s arm,
One: As they witness the death that war brings.
All: May they find solace in God’s arm,
One: As they leave their homes behind to find safety.
All: May they find strength in God’s arm.
One: Deliver us all from the madness of believing good can come from violence.
All: God hear our prayer.
One: Give us the courage to resist the myths of violence.
All: God hear our prayer.
One: Forgive us our pride as a super military power.
All: God hear our prayer.
One: Give us the compassion that gives birth to generosity and hospitality.
All: God hear our prayer.
One: Let us show love and mercy for those fleeing war.
All: God hear our prayer.
One: Mold us as a people of peace.
All: God hear our prayer.
May God hear our prayers and the cry of the Ukrainian people.