Andre Gingerich Stoner is director of Interchurch Relations and Holistic Witness for Mennonite Church USA
by Andre Gingerich Stoner
On a recent learning tour to Israel/Palestine sponsored by Mennonite Church USA, we met leaders of a remarkable interchurch initiative. In December 2009, Palestinian Christians spoke with one voice to the world about what is happening in Palestine through an 18 page statement entitled “Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth.”
The statement was drafted and affirmed by Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant and Evangelical Christians. The subtitle of this appeal is “A word of faith, hope and love from the heart of Palestinian suffering.” In the fall of 2011, the Executive Board of Mennonite Church USA wrote a response to Kairos Palestine committing to increasing opportunities for Mennonite leaders to “come and see” the current reality in the Holy Land. The board also encouraged church members to read and discuss this document in various settings, such as small groups, Sunday school classes and mission committees.
I would like to underscore that invitation. In these challenging pages, our Palestinian brothers and sisters remind us again that the way of the cross binds together great love for every person and courageous resistance to injustice and sin.
For glimpses of our learning tour, check out photos and reflections in our Travelogue.