Stoesz, Edgar. "A Mennonite Reflects on Martin Luther King." Gospel Herald. (Scottdale, PA), May 14, 1968.
Photo by Kristen Swartley.
Junta Ejecutiva de MC USA, personal, líderes de agencias y el Concilio Racial y Étnico se reunieron en Destin, Florida, el 15 de noviembre de 2024. Primer fila: Todd Lehman, Lesley Francisco McClendon, Karen Lehman, Marisa Smucker, Helen Mfwilwakanda, Karen Zehr, Susan Hart, Linda Dibble, Marty Lehman, Sergio Nava, Phil Helmuth, Sue Park-Hur, Glen Guyton. Fila de atrás: Leslie Francisco, III, Mitch Kingsley, Juan Montes, Grace Pam, Rosetta Landis, Jon Carlson, Jerrell Williams, Thomas Dunn, Michael Danner y Richard Aguirre. Foto por Cami Dager.
Matt Pritchard
Photo by Brooke Anderson
Training participants included:
1st row: Michelle Armster, executive director, MCC Central States; Jean Carlos Arce, Puerto Rico Program Coordinator for MCC East Coast; Hermann Mputo, pastor at Christian Center the Hand of God, Hamilton, Ohio; Jacob Cook, teacher of Christian ethics and peace theology and co-director of the Shalom Collaboratory at Eastern Mennonite Seminary; Jim Amstutz, retired pastor/Bible teacher.
2nd row: Kathy Neufeld Dunn, associate conference minister for MC USA’s Western District Conference; Jill Heine, founder, On the Journey Consulting; Heidi Regier Kreider, conference minister for MC USA’s Western District Conference; Lorraine Stutzman Amstutz, MC USA’s denominational minister for Peace and Justice; Andrew Wright, director of programs, MCC Central States; Hyacinth Stevens, executive director, MCC East Coast; Beth Good, Global Service Learning director, MCC; Insil Kang, senior director of Integration at Village Church, Beaverton, Oregon.
3rd row: Krista Dutt, MCC Great Lakes Chicago program coordinator; Jon Carlson, moderator for MC USA and lead pastor of Forest Hills Mennonite Church, Leola, Pennsylvania; Shannon Dycus, vice president for Student Affairs, Equity and Belonging at Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, Virginia; and Andrew Terry, area missioner at Episcopal Diocese of Texas. (Photo by Brenda Burkholder.)
The Follow Jesus '25 worship planning committee met for the first time in August. Pictured left to right, top to bottom: Will Eichelberger, Rachel Ringenberg Miller, Randall Koehler, Caleb McClendon, Glen Guyton, Melissa Florer-Bixler, Ryan Rohrer and Shé Langley.