(1st term, 2023-27, EB) – Hampton, Virginia, Calvary Community Church, Virginia Mennonite Conference, representative of African American Mennonite Association. Francisco McClendon is Senior Pastor at Calvary Community Church.
(1st term, 2023-27, DA) – Newton, Kansas, Shalom Mennonite Church, Western District Conference. Jerrell is lead pastor of Shalom Mennonite Church in Newton, Kansas, and a writer for Anabaptist World.
(1st term, 2023-27, DA) – Croghan, N.Y., Lowville Mennonite Church, Lowville, N.Y., New York Mennonite Conference. Rosetta is employed by North Country Family Health Center as a Nutritionist at WIC.... read more →
(1st term, 2023-27, DA) – Harrisonburg, Virginia, Park View Mennonite Church, Virginia Mennonite Conference. Phil is the Disaster Response Coordinator for Southern Louisiana with Mennonite Disaster Service.
(1st term, 2023-2027) Lehman has a long history with the Mennonite church, serving in leadership positions with the Mennonite Board of Missions and its successor organization, Mennonite Mission Network, as well... read more →
(1st term, 2021-25, EB) – Wichita, Kan., Hope Mennonite Church, Wichita, Kan., Western District Conference. Karen is employed by Builders, Inc., in Wichita and serves as their controller.
(1st term, 2021-25, DA) – Takoma Park, M.D., Hyattsville Mennonite Church, Hyattsville, M.D., Allegheny Mennonite Conference. Emily is an attorney.
(1st term, 2021-25, EB) – Bluffton, Ohio, First Mennonite Church, Bluffton, Ohio, Central District Conference. Mitch is employed as an Attorney Associate by Samuel W. Diller, CO, LPA.in Bluffton.
(1st term, 2021-25, EB) – El Reno, Okla., Koinonia Mennonite Church, Clinton, Okla., Western District Conference, representative of Native Mennonite Ministries. Susan is pastor of Koinonia Mennonite Indian Church, Clinton,... read more →
(1st term, 2021-25, EB) – Akron, Ohio, Crown Hill Mennonite Church, Ohio Conference. Thomas is pastor of Crown Hill Mennonite Church, Rittman, Ohio
(1st term, 2021-25, DA) – Goshen, Ind., Berkey Avenue Mennonite Church, Goshen, Ind., Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference. Richard is employed as a Clerk-Treasurer for the City of Goshen and is a... read more →
(2nd term, 2023-27, DA) - Hesston, Kan., Hesston Mennonite Church, South Central Conference. Todd serves as Executive Director with Offender/ Victim Ministries, Inc., a local non-profit focused on community-based restorative justice.
(2nd term, 2021-2025, EB) – Rock Island, Ill., Templo Alabanza Church, Central Plains Conference, representative of the Iglesia Menonita Hispana. Margie is a government employee.
Linda Dibble (past moderator, 2023-25, DA) – Albany, Ore., Albany Mennonite Church, Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference. Linda is a retired chaplain and she cares part-time for two of her grandchildren... read more →
Jon is lead pastor of and a member of Forest Hills Mennonite Church in Leola, Pa., Atlantic Coast Mennonite Conference. Stan Shantz, chairperson of the Leadership Discernment Committee, described Carlson... read more →