This post is part of Mennonite Church USA's Cost of War: Learn, Pray, Join initiative. Cyneatha Millsaps is a co-pastor of Prairie Street Mennonite Church in Elkhart, Indiana and... read more →
This post is part of Mennonite Church USA's Cost of War: Learn,... read more →
Following peace prayers with action Sylvia Shirk has been a Mennonite pastor since 1990. She lives in Portland, Oregon, where she works as a district pastor and court interpreter... read more →
Glen Guyton is the executive director of Mennonite Church USA. My 18-year-old son texted me and asked if I had been watching the latest Twitter trend. I told him no,... read more →
Jason Boone is coordinating minister for the Peace and Justice Support Network. I pay my taxes, but I don’t like it. Part of it is I resent the compulsory nature... read more →