Shannon W. Dycus is co-pastor at First Mennonite Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, where she leads missional and faith formation ministries for the congregation. She is active with Faith in Indiana,... read more →
Madalyn Metzger is the Vice President of Marketing for Everence, a member of the MennoCon19 worship planning team, and will serve as a worship leader in Kansas City. She is a... read more →
Elyse Burton is a junior at Tualatin (Oregon) High School. She has playing the violin since kindergarten and is a member of the high school chamber orchestra. She is also... read more →
Clayton Gladish has served as one of the pastors of Hesston Mennonite Church for over five years. His passions include faith formation, biblical studies, and creating compassionate communities. He rarely turns... read more →
Ruth Harder is the pastor at Rainbow Mennonite Church in Kansas City, Kansas. She grew up in Hillsboro, Kansas and is a graduate of Bethel College and Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical... read more →
The Future Church Summit (FCS) will take place July 6-8, at the Mennonite Church USA convention in Orlando. It will be a generative, open space for denomination-wide conversation — to... read more →