This post is part of a series from the MC USA Archives Oral History Project that seeks to document and preserve the voices of young people, ages 24-40, who are part of MC... read more →
By MC USA staff (Mennonite Church USA) — The creators of Anabaptist History Today (AHT), a new collaborative storytelling project, are calling on Anabaptists across the United States and... read more →
This post is part of a series from the MC USA Archives Oral History Project that seeks to document and preserve the voices of young people, ages 24-40, who are part of MC... read more →
As the global Covid-19 pandemic upends schedules and assumption in often unprecedented ways, we remember disruption caused by a local epidemic in 1917. Steve Nolt is a professor of... read more →
By MC USA staff (Mennonite Church USA Archives, ELKHART, Ind.) — Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) Archives is one of five new partners to join the recently expanded Mennonite Archival... read more →
Jason Kauffman is director of Archives and Records Management for Mennonite Church USA. He offers this snapshot into a church planting movement in Mennonite history as we Learn, Pray, Join... read more →
This week we'll be sharing excerpts of interviews with two Native American Mennonite women: Louise Fisher and Priscilla Wero. They are drawn from longer oral history interviews conducted in 2002... read more →
This week we'll be sharing excerpts of interviews with two Native American Mennonite women: Louise Fisher and Priscilla Wero. They are drawn from longer oral history interviews conducted in 2002... read more →
Jason Kauffman is director of Archives and Records Management for Mennonite Church USA. Since reopening in May, I’ve had many chances to greet visitors and give them a tour of... read more →
Jason Kauffman is director of Archives and Records Management for Mennonite Church USA In 1995, the Mennonite Environmental Task Force (METF) organized a “Creation Summit” in Camp Lake, Wisconsin, that... read more →
Jason Kauffman is director of Archives and Records Management for Mennonite Church USA. “P.S. Change is not always a sign of growth but could also be a sign of shriveling,... read more →
ELKHART, Indiana (Mennonite Church USA)—Jason B. Kauffman of Durham,... read more →
Colleen McFarland is director of archives and records management for Mennonite Church USA. April 2015 marks the centennial of the Armenian Genocide (1915-1923). Armenians, a Middle Eastern people who embraced... read more →
Compiled by Colleen McFarland, director of the Mennonite Church USA Archives. As someone who not only loves all things historical, but also appreciates a good laugh, I am a big... read more →
By Colleen McFarland The recent announcement of the completion of the John Howard Yoder Digital Library, a collaborative... read more →