This post was originally shared on the Mennonite Church USA Convention website. By Convention Staff Worship is the keystone event at convention. Every two years, we come together to be... read more →
This post was originally shared on the Mennonite Church USA Convention website. In an effort to promote songwriting among Mennonites in the United States, and to broaden the musical spectrum... read more →
by Tina Stoltzfus Schlabach On most Tuesday evenings since last... read more →
By Colleen McFarland Do you remember the first time you saw World War II era color photographs, perhaps... read more →
This series offers resources from the Mentoring Focus Group of the Women in Leadership Project. This group has met since the beginning of 2012, brainstorming ways to encourage mentoring of women... read more →
By Jennifer Halteman Schrock Lately I’ve been spying on... read more →
By Nancy Kauffmann I remember my first day as a new pastor, sitting in my office. ... read more →
By Glen Guyton So, I am not the best steward... read more →
By Richard MacMaster Richard MacMaster, speaking here at a rally, is chair of the Southeast Mennonite Conference Task Force on Farmworker Justice. He is a retired... read more →
This series offers resources from the Mentoring Focus Group of the Women in Leadership Project. This group has met since the beginning of 2012, brainstorming ways to encourage mentoring of... read more →
As members of the Executive Board Staff, we want to invite you to intentional prayer for all of Mennonite Church USA. For our staff as we strive to serve as... read more →
By Jason Boone Wars don’t end when the last shot is fired. After the... read more →
By Colleen McFarland A few weeks ago, we lost a man of faith and courage who walked with Mennonites for a time. Historian and activist Vincent Harding co-pastored Woodlawn Mennonite... read more →
This post was shared originally on the MennoNerds website. According to their website, "The primary qualifier for a MennoNerd is that we write or talk or think about theology or other... read more →
By Lesley Ediger Lesley Ediger is a member of Atlanta Mennonite Fellowship in Atlanta, Ga. She is pictured on the left, along with Katie Beno Valencia... read more →