Chris Meyer reflects on his passion for creation care, on behalf of Everence and his own family, reminding us how much we all have invested in caring for creation —... read more →
Janet Szabo share how, after a period of declining attendance, Mountain View Mennonite Church is experiencing a spring new life, through active church participation from adults and children alike. This... read more →
Pasadena Mennonite Church helped foster Celeste Sharp's passion for the environment. This interest has led Celeste to pursue an education agroecology, with hopes of providing people with more sustainable food... read more →
In February, Chialis Thuan Santoso attended MC USA's Hope for the Future 2024 conference. In this blog, she reflects on what she learned and how it applies to her life... read more →
Troubled by feeling of impending danger, despair, panic and doom, Ingrid Friesen Moser uses controlled breath to help her worship. Ingrid Friesen Moser, MA, RDN, has worked in wellness for over... read more →
On Saturday, April 13, Shenandoah Valley Taxes for Peace held its third annual war tax redirection event. Members of 18 households, many of whom are members at Community Mennonite Church... read more →
Using concepts from the Supernatural television series, Sarah Augustine considers how we can imagine systems for ecological and racial justice that will create a better future for our world, even... read more →
Janet Elaine Guthrie shares about the influences that lead her to engage in the reparative action of donating her portion of the family farm, with the intent toward education and... read more →
Spiritual director Jenny Gehman reflects on her own journey to spiritual direction and the holy hospitality she experienced. Jenny Gehman, east coast representative for Mennonite Women USA, is a spiritual... read more →
Pastors Suzette Shreffler and Sandy Drescher-Lehman share a prayer and a blessing, respectively, crying out for better stewardship of God's creation and beginning the Learn, Pray, Join: Climate Justice: Seeking... read more →
In this Easter poem, Eric Massanari uses biblical allusions to greet the risen one. This poem was originally published in the April 17, 2023 Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference bulletin. Reposted... read more →
Dr. Lesley F. McClendon presented this devotional at the MC USA Executive Board meeting last weekend. She reflects on what reimagining the church means and how we can stay true... read more →
Earlier this year, James Rissler and Glen Guyton embarked on a pilgrimage through civil rights sites. James reflects on how this Sankofa Journey affected his view of race relations in... read more →
Spiritual director Lester Lind reflects back on the beginning of his calling and career, as he prepares to retire. Lester Lind lives with his wife, Mary Beth, on two acres... read more →
Blue cornbread.... read more →