Anna Groff is executive director of Dove’s Nest: Faith Communities Keeping Children and Youth Safe. Anna studied journalism at Goshen (Indiana) College and received a Master of Public Administration from Arizona State... read more →
Iris de León-Hartshorn is the director of Transformative Peacemaking for Mennonite Church USA. This is the third in a three-part blog series based on a presentation Iris gave on leadership at Eastern... read more →
Mennonite Church USA is building upon the work of the Future Church Summit at #MennoCon17 in Orlando. A dynamic group of writers has been called together to produce a concise... read more →
Karla Friesen lives in Washington, Iowa, as a stay at home mom and community volunteer. She enjoys baking, hospitality, walking, traveling and spending time with her family. Karla represents Mennonite... read more →
Regina Shands Stoltzfus teaches in the Peace, Justice and Conflict Studies department at Goshen (Indiana) College, where her courses include Race, Class and Ethnic Relations; Personal Violence and Healing; Spiritual Path of the... read more →
Mariah Martin lives with her husband in Harrisonburg, Virginia and works as a nurse on an intermediate care unit. She enjoys good conversation, cooking and anything outdoors. In the future, she... read more →
Iris de León-Hartshorn is the director of Transformative Peacemaking for Mennonite Church USA. This is the second in a three-part blog series based on a presentation Iris gave on leadership... read more →
Horace McMillon serves as the tent making pastor of Open Door Mennonite Church of Jackson, Mississippi. He and Monique, his bride of 21 years have two teenage children. Prior to their... read more →
Mennonite Church USA is building upon the work of the Future Church Summit at #MennoCon17 in Orlando. A dynamic group of writers has been called together to produce a concise... read more →
Jazmine Rivera is the administrative assistant for National Program at Mennonite Central Committee U.S. She is a full-time M.Div. student at Eastern Mennonite Seminary. As a single mother, she is... read more →
Sue Park-Hur is an ordained Mennonite pastor and co-director of ReconciliAsian. The following piece is based on a sermon she gave at Hope for the Future, the annual gathering for... read more →
Shana Peachey Boshart is conference minister for Christian formation for Central Plains Mennonite Conference and curator of, your one-stop hub for formation resources for all ages. If you teach children, youth or... read more →
Mennonite Church USA is building upon the work of the Future Church Summit at #MennoCon17 in Orlando. A dynamic group of writers has been called together to produce a concise... read more →
Mennonite Church USA is building upon the work of the Future Church Summit at #MennoCon17 in Orlando. A dynamic group of writers has been called together to produce a concise... read more →
Michael Howes is husband to the Rev. Sue Conrad Howes, father to Michael and Emily, and an ordained pastor in Mennonite Church USA, although he currently serves as pastor of... read more →