This post is part of our Joureny Forward series. We’ve invited folks from across Mennonite Church USA to reflect on our Journey Forward and consider how they’ve seen Renewed Commitments at work in their... read more →
This is the fifth post in a series featuring reflections from participants at the 2018 Women Doing Theology conference organized by MC USA’s Women in Leadership. Ron Adams is a pastor at Landisville... read more →
Shana Peachey Boshart is denominational minister of Faith Formation for Mennonite Church USA. Hi everyone! I recently started in the role of faith formation minister for Mennonite Church USA. I’d... read more →
Anabaptist Faith Formation Network has produced an at home resource for Advent written by Elsie Rempel. Based on the congregational worship resources developed for Leader Magazine, the guide invites families... read more →
This is the fourth post in a series featuring reflections from participants at the 2018 Women Doing Theology conference organized by MC USA’s Women in Leadership. LeeAndra Fouts is a freelance writer and... read more →
Elyse Burton is a junior at Tualatin (Oregon) High School. She has playing the violin since kindergarten and is a member of the high school chamber orchestra. She is also... read more →
Anabaptist Faith Formation Network has produced an at home resource for Advent written by Elsie Rempel. Based on the congregational worship resources developed for Leader Magazine, the guide invites families... read more →
This post is part of our Journey Forward series. We’ve invited folks from across Mennonite Church USA to reflect on our Journey Forward and consider how they’ve seen Renewed Commitments at work in their lives,... read more →
Katie Graber is an ethnomusicologist who studies race and ethnicity in a variety of contexts including Mennonite music, American music, and European opera. She has taught classes on Western music... read more →
This is the third post in a series featuring reflections from participants at the 2018 Women Doing Theology conference organized by MC USA’s Women in Leadership. Leslie Hawthorne Klingler is a communications artist... read more →
This is the second post in a series of posts featuring reflections from participants at the 2018 Women Doing Theology conference organized by MC USA’s Women in Leadership. Rachel lives in... read more →
This week we'll be sharing excerpts of interviews with two Native American Mennonite women: Louise Fisher and Priscilla Wero. They are drawn from longer oral history interviews conducted in 2002... read more →
This week we'll be sharing excerpts of interviews with two Native American Mennonite women: Louise Fisher and Priscilla Wero. They are drawn from longer oral history interviews conducted in 2002... read more →
This is the first in a series of posts featuring reflections from participants at the 2018 Women Doing Theology conference organized by MC USA's Women in Leadership. Chris Hoover Seidel... read more →
Clayton Gladish has served as one of the pastors of Hesston Mennonite Church for over five years. His passions include faith formation, biblical studies, and creating compassionate communities. He rarely turns... read more →