J. Denny Weaver is professor emeritus of Religion of Bluffton (Ohio) University where he taught in the Religion Department for thirty-one years. His recent publications are God without Violence, second... read more →
This article is part of our series on Voices Together, a new worship and song collection coming fall 2020 from MennoMedia, in partnership with Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church... read more →
Melanie Neufeld works alongside her husband Jonathan, seeking justice in the City of Seattle as pastors of Community Ministry at Seattle Mennonite Church. “May the prick of compassion be... read more →
Following peace prayers with action Sylvia Shirk has been a Mennonite pastor since 1990. She lives in Portland, Oregon, where she works as a district pastor and court interpreter... read more →
Tobin Miller Shearer is a history professor and the director of African-American Studies at the University of Montana. He is the co-founder - along with Regina Shands Stoltzfus - of... read more →
By Frank Scoffield Nellessen and Eric Schnitger This conversation comes from Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference. Frank Scoffield Nellessen is a Guatemalan mestizo immigrant learning to decolonize and heal himself... read more →
Dan Schrock pastors at Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship in Goshen, Indiana, teaches spiritual direction at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, works as a wellness specialist for The Corinthian Plan, and offers... read more →
English version available here Diposting pada 1 Juni 2020 Glen Guyton adalah direktur eksekutif Mennonite Church USA. Ini tidak sering terjadi, tetapi saya kehilangan kata-kata ketika kota-kota di seluruh... read more →
Iris de León-Hartshorn is associate executive director for Operations for Mennonite Church USA. Thus says the Lord: We have heard a cry of panic, of terror, and no peace. ... read more →
English Version Here Melissa Florer-Bixler adalah pendeta dari Gereja Raleigh Mennonite. Dia adalah anggota dewan Friends of L'Arche North Carolina, dan melayani di komite pengarah untuk Women in Leadership... read more →
English Version Here Oleh Glen Guyton, direktur eksekutif, Gereja Mennonite USA Dengan hampir semua negara bagian dalam beberapa fase pembukaan kembali, para pendeta dan pemimpin gereja melihat jika, kapan dan... read more →
By Mennonite Church USA staff As we have witnessed the recent and persistent violence upon black bodies, we are offering this space of collective lament and grief that comes from... read more →
Glen Guyton is the executive director of Mennonite Church USA. It does not happen often, but I am at a loss for words as cities across the United States... read more →
Shaping the next generation of resources for the central practices of the church This article is part of our series on Voices Together, a new worship and song collection... read more →
Terry Zehr is the conference minister of New York Mennonite Conference. Several years ago, I had the privilege of hearing Dr. Walter Brueggemann speak at Eastern Mennonite University’s School... read more →