After 20 years in congregational ministry, Susan Janzen was called to serve Central Plains Mennonite Conference as Conference Minister for Ministerial Leadership in 2019. Her family includes seven nieces... read more →
Erick Josue Martinez tries to live his life by a simple motto: “What good is a bountiful garden if its fruits will spoil before I can eat them all?... read more →
Beryl Jantzi is director of stewardship education at Everence. Tikkun olam We’re all familiar with the concept of peacemaking. But have you considered peace giving? Looking back over Old... read more →
During the season of Lent, we will share weekly Scripture readings, prayers and rituals for all ages to observe Lent At Home, as well as special rituals for Ash Wednesday,... read more →
Alysa Short is a graduate of Bluffton College (Bluffton University) and is currently a student in the Journey program at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. She and her husband Mark... read more →
Mark Jantzen is a professor of history at Bethel College in North Newton, Kansas. He is a graduate of Bethel College and Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. He and his... read more →
Bonnie Miller is on the board of directors for Anabaptist Disabilities Network. She has worked as an educator for much of her career, including as a public school special education... read more →
During the season of Lent, we will share weekly Scripture readings, prayers and rituals for all ages to observe Lent At Home, as well as special rituals for Ash Wednesday,... read more →
Laura Pauls-Thomas (she/her) is a storyteller, advocate and avid bicyclist. She graduated with her B.A. in communication studies and Spanish from Eastern University in St. Davids, Pennsylvania, in 2017. She... read more →
Sue Park-Hur is the denominational minister for Transformative Peacemaking for Mennonite Church USA, overseeing peace and justice related issues. She also supervises Women in Leadership. Park-Hur co-directs ReconciliAsian,... read more →
Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, March 2, 2022. We will share weekly Scripture readings, prayers and rituals for all ages to observe Lent At Home, as well as special rituals... read more →
Katie Graber is an ethnomusicologist who studies race and ethnicity in a variety of contexts, including Mennonite music, American music and European opera. She teaches classes on Western music history and... read more →
God of Grace and God of Glory (Voices Together hymnal #716, verse 3) "Cure thy children’s warring madness; bend our pride to thy control; Shame our wanton, selfish gladness, rich... read more →
Daniel Grimes and his wife, Brenda, are both graduates of Eastern Mennonite University and reside in Goshen, Indiana, where they attend Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship. They are the parents... read more →
Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) invites you to join Mennonite World Conference in offering this prayer for all Ukrainians, including our Mennonite siblings in Ukraine. MC USA... read more →