Beryl Jantzi is Stewardship Education Director for Everence. Over the next few months, Beryl will be exploring our historic roots and current commitment to mutual aid as Christians using “Meditations on Christian... read more →
Jenny Castro is new to the communications team and coordinator of the Women in Leadership Project for Mennonite Church USA. She has a degree in English and has been... read more →
Alyssa Rodriguez attends First Mennonite Church in Iowa City, Iowa and works as a Family Support Worker for marginalized populations while also learning the ins-and-outs of motherhood with her beloved... read more →
Tyler Hartford is Lead Pastor at Pleasant View Mennonite Church, Goshen, Ind. He and his wife Genessa have seven children who keep them quite entertained. Tyler also enjoys travel—even if it involves... read more →
Rachel Epp Miller lives in San Antonio, Texas. She is a graduate of Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary and has been pastoring at San Antonio Mennonite Church for the past 9... read more →
Tonya Keim Bartel is on convention staff as the Program Expeditor for KC2015. She also works in a local inpatient rehabilitation facility for drug and alcohol addiction. In her spare... read more →
Ervin Stutzman is executive director of Mennonite Church USA “A community of communities engaged in God’s mission”--that’s the byline for Park View Mennonite Church in Harrisonburg, Va. Not long after... read more →
Glen Guyton is the Chief Operating Officer for Mennonite Church USA I recently attended the Mennonite Economic Development Association (MEDA) in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. If you keep up with my... read more →