Hinojosa recognized for scholarly work on Latino Mennonites: Civil Rights, Faith & Evangelical Culture [Español] By Janie Beck Kreider Felipe Hinojosa is associate professor in the History Department at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, specializing in Latina/o-Chicana/o History. He is the son of a Mennonite pastor who first encountered Mennonites as a migrant farm worker in Archbold, Ohio. Hinojosa... read more →
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Blog Post
For almost a year we have highlighted stories of hope and collaboration across Mennonite Church USA through the #WeAreMenno story campaign. We hope you've had a chance to see some of the blogs, social media posts, videos, news stories and photos celebrating diverse people and ministries from around the country. During the month of December we will highlight the 'greatest hits' from the campaign starting starting two weeks ago with news and feature stories, and continuing last week with memes. For the final installment, this week we have the top five performing blog posts. 1. Asia Frye READ MORE 2. Mariah Martin READ... read more →
Blog Post
For almost a year we have highlighted stories of hope and collaboration across Mennonite Church USA through the #WeAreMenno story campaign. We hope you've had a chance to see some of the blogs, social media posts, videos, news stories and photos celebrating diverse people and ministries from around the country. During the month of December we will highlight the 'greatest hits' from the campaign starting starting last week with news and feature stories. This week we have the top five performing memes. 1. Menno Simons 2. Menno Simons 3. Hans Denck 4. Asia Frye 5. John Murray
Blog Post
For almost a year we have highlighted stories of hope and collaboration across Mennonite Church USA through the #WeAreMenno story campaign. We hope you've had a chance to see some of the blogs, social media posts, videos, news stories and photos celebrating diverse people and ministries from around the country. Over the next three weeks we will highlight the 'greatest hits' from the campaign starting with these news and feature stories. 1. #WeAreMenno: A new Mennonite communion liturgy addresses concerns of sexual abuse survivors 2. #WeAreMenno: Anabaptist Songwriting Challenge composer profiles 3. #WeAreMenno: Spiritual ‘seed bombs’ sprout new... read more →
Blog Post
Kelly Shenk Koontz lives in Boston, Massachusetts with her husband Peter, where she is a second year MBA student at Boston University in the Public & Nonprofit Management program. Before attending BU, Kelly worked with Mennonite Central Committee in Kabul, Afghanistan doing peacebuilding work. She currently attends the Mennonite Congregation of Boston. I look out the small airplane window. The sun is shining bright over the dusty mountains. In the distance I can just make out the buildings, cars and houses that form the outskirts of Kabul, Afghanistan. Everything is covered in dust. As I see the city that will... read more →
Blog Post
Jenna Liechty Martin lives in the peaceful woods with her husband, Peter, and son Henry. She is nearing the end of her second year as executive director at Camp Friedenswald. Before this she spent three years working in Belfast, Northern Ireland through Mennonite Mission Network. She enjoys watching the seasons change, walking through the woods with her family, spending time with friends, and sitting around a campfire. I wake up to the cries of my eight-month-old son. Attempting to sooth him to sleep, I pace from room to room with little success, until I step outside and into the dark night and... read more →
Blog Post
Ann Jacobs is a Church Relations associate with Mennonite Mission Network and one of three leaders of Work in Progress choir. In her role, she furthers relationships with African American Mennonite congregations. She helps congregations become more informed of resources, services, and agency partnerships in support of the congregation's vision for mission. This is the second of a three-part series in conjunction with Mennonite Mission Network, Nothn2Hard4God. Kingdom has Come We are to represent the Kingdom of God in this life. We’re in the world but not of it … we are aliens, representing the Gospel to a dying world. The... read more →
Blog Post
Calenthia S. Dowdy, Ph.D. is a Mennonite affiliate in Philadelphia. She's on the faculty at Eastern University in St. Davids, Pennsylvania and serves as Director of Faith Initiatives at Philadelphia FIGHT, a Community Health Center that specializes in HIV/AIDS but serves all people regardless of their status. Calenthia was born and raised in Philadelphia and is a minister who brings an intersectional analysis of urban life, culture, race, gender and faith to her work. For the past 12 years, Calenthia has co-facilitated workshops on dismantling systemic oppression with the Damascus Road anti-racism analysis team. A little over 20 years ago I... read more →
[Español] By Jenny Castro Sandra Pérez, a member of Manhattan (New York) Mennonite Fellowship, serves on the New York City oversight ministry team for Atlantic Coast Conference and on the steering committee for the Women in Leadership Project of Mennonite Church USA. She works and serves across cultures, equipping leaders with resources to build relationships across the church. (Mennonite Church USA) — Sandra Pérez’s mother brought her to New York City when she was just eight months old. Her father had been killed in a car accident in Puerto Rico just months... read more →
Blog Post
Horace McMillon serves as the tent making pastor of Open Door Mennonite Church of Jackson, Mississippi. He and Monique, his bride of 19 years have two teenaged children. Prior to their move to Jackson, Horace served as Associate Pastor of the Community Mennonite Church in Markham, Illinois. He is the author of "No Mo'Broke: Seven Keys to Success from a Christian Perspective." Horace earned a Mater of Arts from Chicago Theological Seminary and holds a Doctor of Ministry from Oval Bible College. We are urban. We are multi-cultural. We are Southern. Located in Jackson, Mississippi, Open Door is the only Mennonite... read more →
Blog Post
Rachel Epp Buller is Associate Professor of Visual Arts and Design at Bethel College. Much of her creative and critical (and often collaborative!) practice centers on intersections of art and the maternal, including her book, "Reconciling Art and Mothering"(Ashgate) and an in-progress collaboration on Inappropriate Bodies. She and Kerry Fast met in person only after the publication of "Mothering Mennonite." When the invitation came to contribute a written snapshot to the #WeAreMenno series, the word collaboration jumped out at me from the website. As a college professor, I love collaborations. Collaborating with students and colleagues, whether in class discussions or... read more →
Blog Post
Anna Groff began as executive director of Dove’s Nest on August 1. She works from her home in Tucson, Arizona, where she lives with her husband, Brian Miller, and one-year-old daughter, Ella. When I share with people about my new role with Dove’s Nest, I hear everything from, “I thought child protection policies were required for all churches” (from someone in Pennsylvania, a state with new laws for all volunteers working with children) to “I didn’t know abuse happened in churches.” While we all wish the second comment were true, we know it isn’t. This summer I read a terrible... read more →
Conversations provide structure for feedback By Janie Beck Kreider (Mennonite Church USA) — Approximately 40 young adults at KC2015 — the Mennonite Church USA convention held June 30–July 5 in Kansas City, Missouri — gathered July 3 for an evening of synergistic conversation on a range of church-related topics. “We wanted to create a space where young adults could get together and talk about their concerns and what matters to... read more →
Blog Post
Nathan Grieser lives in Lancaster, Pennsylvania with his wife Kate and daughter Ivy. He enjoys directing The Shalom Project, bicycle commuting, making music and growing fruits and vegetables in his city-sized backyard. Nathan is passionate about participating in God's process of restoration and transformation alongside The Shalom Project participants. Lancaster (city), Pennsylvania, is a small urban setting that has been attracting quite a few young adults in recent years. It also has its fair share of needs and challenges. In 2011, several Mennonite pastors in the city began meeting regularly to dream about ways we might connect the gifts and... read more →
Blog Post
Rhoda M. Blough is the Church Relations Representative for Everence Financial Advisors and her office is located in Denver, Colorado. Rhoda is a key resource to congregations and individuals on stewardship issues particularly as it relates to integrating faith values with finances, utilizing the wide variety of stewardship services through Everence. Rhoda received a seminary degree from Eastern Mennonite Seminary in Harrisonburg, Virginia, and has always enjoyed her many roles serving the church in a vast array of positions. She served as Moderator for Mountain States Mennonite Conference for four years and attends Glennon Heights Mennonite. She has two grown... read more →