As followers of Jesus, we seek God’s dream of shalom for all people and all of creation, including our climate. Shalom requires that we seek justice and healing for our relationships with God, with one another and with the earth that sustains us. 

“Human beings have been made for relationship with God, to live in peace with each other, and to take care of the rest of creation.” – Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective, Article 6 

MC USA’s Climate Justice Ministry is sponsored by Everence.

Engage with climate justice resources.  

MC USA Climate Justice webinars: Watch here.


      Books and study resources: 

      “Every Creature Singing” – A free, downloadable curriculum for followers of Jesus who want to connect their faith with their place, organized into three units: Biblical and Theological Foundations, Pursuing Peace and Justice, and Choosing a Simple Lifestyle. Developed by the former Mennonite Creation Care Network (now MC USA Climate Justice Ministry). Learn more here 

      “Caring for Climate” – A series of free, downloadable Bible study and discussion guides from the Anabaptist Climate Collaborative to help break the silence around climate change. Learn more here. 

      “Together in Hope” – A curated collection of books and resources from Mennonite Church Canada and CommonWord Bookstore for adults and children, including games, song collections and picture books. Learn more here. 

      “The Land Is Not Our Own: Seeking Repair Alongside Indigenous Communities” – A small group discussion resource developed by The Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery and JustFaith Ministries. This resource guides groups to “acknowledge injustice, honor the interconnectedness of all creation and seek healing, repair and hope alongside Indigenous communities.” Registration and fee required. Learn more here 

      “Living More with Less, 30th Anniversary Edition” (Herald Press) – This is a classic book whose message resonates powerfully as we consider the challenges facing our planet today. Doris Janzen Longacre’s call to simplicity points us in the direction of the cultural and spiritual transformation needed to heal our planet. Learn more here.

      “Rooted Faith” (Herald Press) – Author Sarah Renee Werner offers tangible practices for opening our hearts to both the beauty and tragedy around us and guides us toward meaningful action to restore creation. Learn more here 

      “So We and Our Children May Live” (Herald Press) – In this book, Sarah Augustine and Sheri Hostetler offer a prophetic and hope-filled call to join Indigenous leaders to confront climate change and resource extraction to choose life for our children and our planet. Learn more here. A downloadable study guide is also available here 

      “Sustainable Kitchen” (Herald Press) – Dietitian Heather Wolfe and designer Jaynie McCloskey share an array of recipes, tips and reflections to guide us toward cooking and eating more healthfully, sustainably and faithfully. Learn more here 

      Resources for prayer and worship. 


      You created all things, and they are good. 
      I pray that you use me to be a good steward of Your creation of the land, animals and water. I cry out to you to heal our lands and our hearts. 
      You are the Living Water that flows through me, and I want you to receive glory and honor and power because you are worthy!   

      In Jesus’ precious, beautiful name, I pray,  



      Written by Pastor Suzette Shreffler, White River Cheyenne Mennonite Church, Busby, Montana. 

      Wild Blessings 

      Wild Blessings to all who feel burdened, by the love of Christ, to invite people into direct relationship with some of the most vulnerable victims of our destructive cultures: the land, waters and creatures with whom we share our homes. May we serve alongside them, to help us all flourish. 

      Wild blessings to all who are aware and repentant for the injustice of claiming the sacred space of the (name who lived on this land before the Europeans arrived) people as our own. May we honor their spirits who continue to live with us. And may you, Great Spirit who created us all, keep us mindful of those who have thrived and died on these lands and waterways for many generations before us. 

      Wild Blessings of laughter and tears, love and heartache, filling our prayers that continually blow through the trees and grasses, rocks and creatures. May we work to sustain the waters that flow through these lands, and feed all life they nourish. And may we be renewed with rest, grateful for our place in the story of creation. 

      Wild Blessings of mindful living as winter turns to spring, cold days turn to warmer ones, noticing what is thawing and rising with blessings in our hearts and in our souls. Renew our faith that our gratitude adds peace to the world. Amen (or Aho). 

      Written by Pastor Sandy Drescher-Lehman. Sandy and her husband, John Drescher-Lehman, a therapist, who host a Wild Church gathering each third Sunday afternoon of the month at their home and retreat center in Southeast Pennsylvania. 


      A Ritual for Spring  

      A tradition from the Native Peoples, that we can practice as our offering in this season of rebirth, is to scatter corn, a sacred grain revered as the staff of life, onto our gardens, lawns, shrubs and trees. It not only fertilizes the soil but also brings the birds who eat the pesky bugs. For these reasons, and with prayers of thanksgiving for the greening of the earth, be invited to bless the ground today, with cornmeal, as you notice what is emerging in the land and in your soul. 

      By Sandy Drescher-Lehman 


      Wild Church Network: Popping up all over the land, like wild mushrooms after a spring rain, Wild Church communities are responding to a call from deep within to change the way we relate to the natural world, moving “from a collection of objects, to a communion of subjects” (Thomas Berry). Learn more here 

      “Worship Series – Monthly Outlines for Forest/Wild Church Worship” – A collection of Wild Church worship resources curated by Wendy Janzen, eco-minister for Mennonite Church of Eastern Canada. Learn more here 

      “Plastic Jesus: Real Faith in a Synthetic World,” a guide for worship on Earth Day Sunday (April 21, 2024) or adaptable for any Sunday. This resource was developed by Creation Justice Ministries, whose mission is to educate, equip and mobilize Christian individuals, congregations, denominations and communions to protect, restore and rightly share God’s creation. Learn more here 

      “Season of Creation 2024” – The “Season of Creation” is the annual Christian celebration to pray and respond together to the cry of creation. The ecumenical family around the world unites to listen and care for our common home. The celebration begins Sept. 1 on the Feast of Creation and ends October 4, the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology, beloved by many Christian denominations. Learn more here 

      Opportunities for individuals and congregations to take action to seek healing and wholeness for our planet. 

      Action Guides: 

      The Greener Congregation Score Sheet (MC USA Climate Justice Ministry) – Wondering how to begin taking action for climate justice with your congregation? This guide will help you evaluate your current practices related to creation care and climate justice and help you discern next steps. 

      Solar Guide for Churches (MC USA Climate Justice Ministry) – This guide takes the guesswork out of solar panel projects by drawing on the experiences of other Mennonite churches who have installed solar panels to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. 

      Net Zero Energy Grants (MC USA Climate Justice Ministry) – An annual funding opportunity for Mennonite congregations pursuing renewable energy through solar panel installations or electric car charging stations. 

      Creation Care Action Plans (Anabaptist Climate Collaborative) – A resource for congregations wondering how to organize to act on behalf of our climate, with four options designed for congregations at different starting places. 

      Climate Action for Peace (Mennonite Central Committee) – Learn about climate advocacy opportunities and take the Climate Action For Peace pledge to join others in committing to work for systemic and personal changes for the peace of our planet. 

      Climate Conversations Card Game – The Lexington, KY-based non-profit Climate Conversations developed a card game to facilitate conversations between people through shared empathy and experiences. Gather with a small group from church or engage neighbors in talking about climate. 


      Other organizations working for climate justice: 

      Anabaptist Climate Collaborative works to equip and activate individuals, congregations and organizations to seek climate justice through Anabaptist values, community and faith. 

      The Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery – Founded by Mennonites, The Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery calls on the Christian Church to address the extinction, enslavement and extraction done in the name of Christ on Indigenous lands.  

      Everence’s MyNeighbor program – The Everence credit card program, MyNeighbor, offers individuals, businesses and congregations the unique ability to generate donations for their favorite charitable organization, including organizations working for climate justice, each time they use their card. 

      Interfaith Power and Light – A national organization, with chapters in all 50 states and national territories, working to inspire and mobilize people of faith and conscience to take bold and just action on climate change. 

      Mennonite Central Committee – Mennonite Central Committee works for relief, development, and peace in the name of Christ, including partnering with organizations around the world that are working at climate mitigation and adaptation. 

      One Home, One Future – A national, interfaith campaign that educates, activates and supports clergy, congregants, youth and all spiritual people in meaningful and just climate solutions.