Session 4: Us vs. Them
Time: Each session is designed to be 45-60 minutes.
Supplies: Notebook, pencil/pen, technology to watch the videos
Biblical Text
Facilitator’s Notes
Key learnings for this session:
- Revelation is progressive and there are more perspectives than our cultural narrative.
- We need to know who we are and who we are not.
- God wants to teach us how to know each other.
- The work of the Spirit models mutual transformation and conversation.
- Difference is not about being better than or less than.
- God does not practice favoritism.
Observations to highlight:
Making a personal connection: Which of these do you most identify with as part of a personal journey of growth and change?
- We do not often understand or change the first time.
- It took God showing Peter a vision three times before he could accept the invitation to participate in modeling difference. Peter’s mind needed transformation.
- Look, listen and engage with the invitation to be in a relationship and community with those whom you previously did not know how to connect.
- We are challenged by difference.
- Take notice of the opportunities to expand faith and trust.
- God does not show favoritism but accepts every nation.
Opportunities to present:
- To be transformed.
- To engage with a new understanding of community “we, our, us” (Korean word Woori).
- To discover new ways of being a church together.
- To experience new learning and revelation.
- To expand our vision to see the different ways God is at work among us and in us.
- To welcome new relationships and communities.
Based on Psalms 133:1
“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!”
Lord, deepen my understanding.
Reveal goodness.
Help me to hold truth within my heart, desiring what is pleasant.
I want to discover and be a part of what you are doing to unify your church.
View “Us vs. Them” Video Sermonette by Sue Park-Hur. (9 minutes – Link)